Welcome to the Coulee Region Democratic Socialists of America, or Coulee DSA for short. Coulee DSA is a chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, centered on the La Crosse, WI metro area.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) at the national level is a non-partisan socialist organization that advocates for fundamental human rights such as access to healthcare for all, workers rights, social equality, environmental sustainability, etc.

Sign up here for regular updates from Coulee DSA!

  • Next DSA Book club read: Hate Inc.

    As recent polls show that Americans have a higher distrust of media than ever before and factionalized varieties of social media have increasingly polarized people, nearly everyone has strong opinions about the media. If you’re interested in exploring and discussing this topic, the Coulee DSA Book Club is beginning Matt Taibbi’s recent book, “Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another,” an acclaimed analysis of how today’s mainstream media lies to people and divides them by manipulating us as news consumers. 

    The book club meets Thursday nights at 7 pm and will begin discussing Hate Inc. on Thursday, February 10th. Email us at CouleeDSA@gmail.com to receive a link to the book club to join in.” 

  • Coulee DSA Reads: A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear

    Coulee DSA’s reading group keeps trekking on! Next up on the reading list is a fun book that promises to be have more humor than most of our entries. Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling’s A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear tells the story of an attempted Libertarian utopia that, to no one’s surprise, goes awry. Check out an interview with the author here. If it sounds interesting, email us at CouleeDSA@gmail.com to get hooked up with the book club.

  • Coulee DSA Potluck 7/25

    Coulee DSA cares about creating a connection amongst our members, where we can form bonds that uplift one another, and our greater community. And there is no better way to build connections than spending time with one another!

    Come join Coulee DSA for a late afternoon potluck at Chad Erickson Park, Sunday July 25th at 4 PM! (Facebook event here) It’s been a long year, and we hope that relaxed time together outside and with a good meal will help us connect!

    CDSA will be providing the main course (vegetarian options also available) and we’d love for members and friends to bring sides, sweet treats, and drinks to share, as they are able.

    If you have questions about the event, or upcoming socials and service activities through Coulee DSA, e-mail couleedsa@gmail.com